Chronicles of The Megaverse
Blog Page
Aim 1, Chronicles of the Megaverse is the blog page of M.W. Wolf Ltd’s Megaverse of Fiction. Here we comment on, promote, discuss, and review books and updates of the M.W. Wolf catalogue of fiction. We’re aiming to grow into a storytelling brand spanning many different mediums and genres. We’ll be rewarding our Wolf Pack of readers and followers as we grow.
Aim 2, We’ll also cover topics of literature, writing, books, genres, Ai’s influence on the book and publishing industry, and the future of the literary industry.
Aim 3, The M.W. Wolf Megaverse is underpinned by the IO-CU; thus we’ll occasionally dip our toes into the world of science, consciousness and the universe.

100 things stolen from Bloodborg to make Arcane.
Please note, this is just a quickfire list of only 100 things out of thousands. Bloodborg has 6 interweaved POVs and a bunch of sub POVs. Thus when I say a character was taken from my POVs, I mean that Riot took the whole POV narrative and forced their cardboard characters into my trauma writing. This is why Arcane has essentially retconned all of the characters, who already had different backstories, personalities and so on. Some, like Viktor and Warwick, are so different that they are almost unrecognisable to the originals. Indeed, both of these characters have now been made into Bloodborgs.

Part Three - Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift
Part Three - Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift
This is Riot’s own making of Arcane and not my timeline of events.
This is my analysis of Bridging the Rift; I will demonstrate that you can’t believe anything Riot say, and they purposely conspire to deceive and hide IP theft.
Arcane: Bridging the Rift | Part 5 - We Gave It Our Best Shot
Yeah, wicked Overton, can’t wait to see the next guy who dies 5 times and the next twink Bloodborg 6 foot Smurf with a metal plated vagina face mask.

Second Part - Deceit of Bridging the Rift
Second Part - Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift
This is Riot’s own making of Arcane and not my timeline of events.
This is my analysis of Bridging the Rift; I will demonstrate that you can’t believe anything Riot say, and they purposely conspire to deceive and hide IP theft.
Arcane: Bridging the Rift | Part 4 - Musical Misfits
Linke Fucked Up!

Riot’s Patchwork of Thieve and Deceive
Riot’s Patchwork of Thieve and Deceive – “Treasured gateways”
Allegations and lawsuits against Conor McGregor echo the troubles of Riot Games.
Pick n Mix, Swipe n Gripe, Sparkle Harvesting and victim blaming, shaming and abusing tactics of Riot Games.
Please note, I do not make any allegations of guilt against Conor McGregor. I’m merely using current events to draw parallels and to articulate concerns.

Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift
Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift
Arcane: Bridging the Rift | Part 1 - I Only Dream in Risky.
This is Riot’s own making of Arcane and not my timeline of events.
This is my analysis of Bridging the Rift; I will demonstrate that you can’t believe anything Riot say and they purposely conspire to deceive and hide IP theft.

More shameless Arcane lies exposed!
More shameless Arcane lies exposed - Don’t believe anything Riot tells you!
In Arcane Afterglow: Act 3 Arcane Season 2 Aftershow, Reed Shannon throws a cheers up to his co-stars and the two filthy sticky-fingered talentless IP thieves. He says “Guys, personally, when I signed on to do this, I was 16.” This is horseshit, he was hired in late 2020 at the earliest and this is stage to backdate lies, which Riot has a long history of doing to hide their persistent crimes. Reed has obviously been instructed to lie, all that you hear from Riot is bullshit.

Daddy Died - Jinx’s 5 Fathers!
Daddy Died - Jinx’s 5 Fathers!
The Law of Diminishing Returns.
Repetition and cyclical story beats done horribly wrong!
This is a free story building lesson for Riot Games.
If Arcane scripts were shown to a normal, functioning none-abusive company, who understood story writing, and without the billions of dollars to spunk away, Riot would be laughed out of the building.

D’Borg’s Egg – Not Arcane!
D’Borg’s Egg – Not Arcane!
Like almost all Arcane, Viktors healing and transformation egg was directly stolen from Bloodborg, in which it’s the transformation, restorative and teleportation egg of D’borg. There is a chapter literally called D’Borg’s Egg.
Check out the passage below which they copied and disguised as their own, like they did for all of Arcane. This is just one example.

90% Correct Predictions of Arcane’s IP theft.
90% Correct Predictions of Arcane’s IP theft.
90% correct on the macro predictions taken from Bloodborg: The Harvest by M.W. Wolf, to build Arcane.
These predictions were based on my Bloodborg book- Which was stolen to make Arcane- and were made before any of Season 2 was aired. 42 out of 47 of these predictions were correct or partly correct on the traffic light system of green and amber. This is precisely 89.36% but rounded to 90% for simplicity.

Arcane’s IP theft is statistically probable!
Arcane’s IP theft is statistically probable!
63.83% correct on Arcane’s Macro stealing predictions after Act 2 S2. 14 of the first 15 already proven!
43.2% correct on Arcane’s Macro stealing predictions after just the first Act S2. On second inspection it was around 50% correct or partly correct.
Update- These predictions were based on my Bloodborg book- Which was stolen to make Arcane.

43.2% correct on Arcane’s Macro stealing predictions.
D’anna before she is made into D’borg = Victor before he is made into a cyborg type character!
43.2% correct on Arcane’s Macro stealing predictions.
Update- These predictions were based on my Bloodborg book- Which was stolen to make Arcane.
It’s all Bloodborg. The worst of it is, it’s a metaphorical expression of my personal trauma of being in a coma.

The Trope of Theft at Riot Games!
The Trope of Theft at Riot Games.
Theft is not a trope, It’s a crime!
I believe, the only recurrent theme of Riot Games’s history is an extensive line of theft and selling out, then anti-competitive retaliation, victim blaming, sabotage, discrimination, threats and bullying.

Different is what I do!
Different is what I do!
Unorthodox and ambidextrous in many things.
You must adapt to survive.
The Wolf is hungry, and he is coming for every violation!
Big shoutout to the many military charities who have, and continue, to support me.

Neva- Leader of the Tribe.
Neva- Leader of the Tribe.
Just a snippet from Neva’s POV in Bloodborg: The Harvest by M.W. Wolf. I have avoided making proofreading adjustments so it can be read as it was when submitted to Riot Forge.

Pervasive Anti-competitive IP Theft!
Pervasive Anti-competitive IP Theft! Wolves Are Misunderstood!
The creative industries have misrepresented wolves for far too long. Wolves are not mindless rabid predators. Not like the thieves in the creatives are.
The issue is the diddling do-fuck-alls in the high seats have licked Satan’s pole thus think they are untouchable, unreachable, uneatable.

If Money Is Thy Madness.
If Money Is Thy Madness by M.W. Wolf Ltd.
The ABACAA Money Trolls.
A Mischievous Ballard poem with a loose rhyme scheme of ABACAA.
If money is thy madness, theft is thy crime.
If money is thy madness, poverty is thy fault.
If money is thy madness, never is thy satisfied.
If money is thy madness, the world is fucking bonkers.

Mega Genesis
Mega Genesis- The Spawn
TeleMantic, The First Cyberian
Mega Genesis- The Spawn
TeleMantic, The First Cyberian
Flash Fiction – Snippet of Rogil the Hemic Witch’s Origin Story.
Future Quantum Recording (FQR) – Sent back 20 years in time by Dr Milky Moon, as a warning to humankind!

Thanks for The Eyes!
Thanks’ for The Eyes!
We’re collecting eyeballs and giving pages!
Really, thank you very much for your interest in The M.W. Wolf Megaverse of Fiction.
M.W. Wolf Ltd joined X in mid-May. Since then we've had 300K Impressions. That's a lot of eyeballs on us before we're even fully launched. How many aspiring writers make that splash in a little over 2 months with zero funding, zero help, no Literary Agent and nothing yet published? And we’ve done so whilst fighting back against persistent theft, abuse and legal threats.

The Fateless Child
The Fateless Child
Query & Preview of The Fateless Child: Tainted Blood by M.W. Wolf Ltd.
This makes me very nervous, but my work is being so frequently abused and stolen, I feel I have no other choice. I have reason to believe the cheaters may have already stamped on this work, before its even finished. Perhaps they have shown or sold it to Marvel, or Netflix, which seem to be the go-to companies for stolen work at the moment.

Ignore This Warning!
Ignore This Warning!
Zeitgeist Fakers!
Aspiring Writers “Ignore This Warning” If you wish for your work to be abused!
In this blog I’ll expose a little about how greedy, corrupt, powerful and influential literary and film agents are working with global streaming and film companies to cut out writers in order to make more profit on the millions they are already making from stamping on the little guys and gals.