D’Borg’s Egg – Not Arcane!

Like almost all Arcane, Viktors healing and transformation egg was directly stolen from Bloodborg, in which it’s the transformation, restorative and teleportation egg of D’borg. There is a chapter literally called D’Borg’s Egg.

Check out the passage below which they copied and disguised as their own, like they did for all of Arcane. This is just one example.

“Energy built up in the air around her, cocooning her in a ball of electric, she panted hard as the cocoon thickened, insulating her from being ripped apart during teleportation, like an egg transported through a fallopian tube.

With an almighty crash of thunder and a blinding bolt of white light, she was gone.”


Daddy Died - Jinx’s 5 Fathers!


90% Correct Predictions of Arcane’s IP theft.