M.W Wolf’s Inverted Organelle of Consciousness & Universe
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Tetrakaidecahedron Horn Torus
The Megaverse is made up of many tetrakaidecahedron horn torus shaped universes. Each pocket universe expands, defuses, until it reaches the iridescent fabric of its bubble, i.e. the tetrakaidecahedron Plateau border of the space-time fabric, where it bursts (Big Bang) and rips a new hole in the fabric of space-time, experiencing an inversion, a rebirth.
The light energy (God) aims to reach each inversion with as much order and consciousness as it can, to ascend to a more orderly state in the next birth. Thus experiences, memories, and consciousness are never lost. They join the collective unconscious in the cosmic river of souls in the form of electromagnetic waves. The consciousness of a being ascends towards light and order or descends towards chaos and darkness.
There is a dark energy plaguing the pockets of the Megaverse. It’s a consuming dominant force, a consciousness trying to corrupt all that is good and ordered in the Megaverse. It takes many forms and is known by many names:
⸸ Dominans Tenebris Vis
⸸ Day Eater or Die Comedentis
⸸ Chaos
⸸ De Spuit sect
⸸ Satan, Cain, diaboli, The beast, The Serpent or The Red Dragon.
⸸ The Wandering
⸸ Bloddragen
⸸ Shadow of the Ghost
⸸ חושך טהור- Pure Darkness
⸸ Spiritus Malus
⸸ Puer Aeternus
⸸ The Sable Tempter or Dark Tempter.
Intrigued and what to learn more? Click to check out the article on the scientific hypothesis of The Inverted Organelle Theory of Consciousness & Universe (IO- CU).
The Inverted Organelle Theory of Consciousness proposes a unique perspective on the interconnectedness of the universe and human consciousness. According to this theory, these two seemingly separate entities are actually one and the same, existing in an inverted state of reality. Just as organelles within a cell function to sustain life, the universe and consciousness are intricately linked in a symbiotic relationship where each influences and shapes the other. This thought-provoking theory challenges traditional beliefs about the nature of existence and opens up a realm of possibilities for understanding the intricate fabric of reality that encompasses both the macrocosm and the microcosm. Explore the depths of this paradigm-shifting concept and delve into the profound implications it holds for our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

The Inverted Organelle theory of consciousness and the universe (IO-CU)
The only theory of everything which works on both the micro and macro scales.
The Inverted Organelle Theory unifies consciousness and the universe.
The only theory which understands the quantum realm.
The only theory which accounts for:
Dark matter
Dark energy
The Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle and its purpose- Wave-particle duality
The breakdown of the wave function in Quantum mechanics
Neutrino symmetry
The Big Bang
Three generations of particles
Consciousness as a physical material
Geometry of the universe
Quantum Entanglement
Laws of Thermodynamics
Time to change the world!

Keywords & Glossary of words and terms created to explain the IO-CU:
Black Flash, Black Pits, Condiversity, Cosmic Power Grid, Cosmic Herniations, Cosmic War, Cosmological Tsunami, Cosmological-Quantum Grids, Crystal Filament Exoskeleton
Crystallographic Quantum Gamma Portal (CQGP), Dark Gravity, Fairy Godmother Interactions, Franken-Particles, Forever Threads, Gamma-Horus Waves, Genesis Kosmos, Genesis Omnia, Geometric Anchors, IO-CU, Luxtrinos, luxtrino fluxes, Mind Field, Mind Particles, Nautilus Kosmos, Nautilus vortex, Nymph Crystalline Shell, Packaging Nodes, Pan-Genesis, Particle Snipping, Pioneer Particles, Prime Threads, Primis Wave, Shadow Neutrinos, Spectrums of Duality, Sumin and Nothin, Tetrakaidecahedron Horn Horus, The Cosmic War of Existence, The Inverted Organelle theory of consciousness and the universe (IO-CU), Toroidal Rebirth, T&T function (tidy up & tighten up) of black holes, Omnipresent Observer or The Infinity Eye. Order/ chaos battle-sphere.