Part Three - Deceit of Arcane: Bridging the Rift

This is Riot’s own making of Arcane and not my timeline of events.

This is my analysis of Bridging the Rift; I will demonstrate that you can’t believe anything Riot say, and they purposely conspire to deceive and hide IP theft.

Arcane: Bridging the Rift | Part 5 - We Gave It Our Best Shot

1. The episode begins with Linke joking, “When Arcane Goes Out, we will get death threats.” Interesting start, since I have been vocal about the theft of Arcane from my Bloodborg manuscript, I have received hate mail from Rioters, people at Fortiche and Riot’s minions. Riot creates and fosters this hateful, toxic and abusive cultural climate around themselves. I’ve been harassed and frustrated by an influx of hate mail during this period. Since talking out about Riot’s theft, I’ve had a bomb threat, I’ve been gaslighted, told to set myself on fire, discriminated against, and I’ve had my 5 year old daughter targeted with threats of sending AI child porn of her to her school and to her mother. I’ve been called crazy and a lunatic and many other things targeting my disability and vulnerability as a veteran struggling with complex PTSD and comorbid conditions. This isn’t the actions of a safe company, and I know that it wasn’t all Riot and Fortiche, but this is the cultural climate they foster around them. If they nurture this kind of toxic environment so evidently on the exterior, I hate to think what innocent people, mostly women, on the interior had to, and indeed still must face daily.

2. On November the 1st 2024, (Fri 1 Nov, 01:26), I had to make a complaint directly to Riot about Christian Linke’s conduct of condoning murder on the X platform and about him stealing IP. Linke wrote “IONO ABOUT YOU ALL BUT I THINK IT’S TIME TO LET FORTICHE BRING BACK… THE FRENCH GUILLOTINE.” This isn’t the conduct of a sensible director of animation. Linke and Yee are only in the positions they are now, not because of merit, but because of the toxic Bro-Mancing culture of Riot Games. The two obsessively call everything fight Porn and IP and talk down to everyone and brag about a Nazi like one mistake policy and pathologically lie and steal, then mask and blame and retaliate and lie some more. It’s so unhealthy that no wonder Riot is in so much trouble. I fear that Riot will bring Fortiche down to their levels of depravity and destroy many French careers as well. Riot are yet to address my complaint about Linke’s conduct and fraudulent crimes.

3. Linke speaks about winning awards… On the back of theft!

4. Linke states that they will piss someone off about the characters they place in Arcane, and someone will want to murder them. Perhaps this is because he knows that to fit these LOL characters to my narratives, they have had to wholly change the characters and most things about them, from lore to backstories, to designs, to personalities, to relationships, to places of origin and so much more. Many of the characters are far removed from what they have been in the past to fit my narratives. Some are unrecognisable from the LOL characters, like Bloodborg Warwick. This is so overtly seen in Viktor who turned from a Dr Doom rip-off steampunk like mechanical cyborg, to a magical twink Bloodborg. To make the character his, Linke has stolen from both me and my work, and the work of all of the past Riot creatives who made these characters. He has overwritten the work of the actual talented people without a care in the world. This shows the unhealthy, sociopathic nature of Riot Games who will just shit on everyone to try to mask and deny their crimes against me, their employees and their players. They steal and retcon and backdate and lie and steal and retcon again and again.

5. We then hear sirens in the background, and it fades into the Ex CEO of Riot Nicolo Laurent saying, “I love it.” This is the best foreshadowing Riot has ever achieved, seems as soon after he fled to France amidst many despicable allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct. Oh, and this very reputable and honest man (NOT) greenlighted Arcane after they had my manuscript of Bloodborg! No wonder!

6. The alleged sexual predator states, “I’m still anxious, we have 2 to 3 weeks until the launch,” suggesting that this segment was filmed in early November 2021.

7. Jane (Chung) Hoffacker says, “Hopefully we succeeded in the biggest thing, which was making League of legends fans proud of their investment into the IP” Really, so why did you mutilate all of the characters into my narratives which do not fit the lore nor backstories?

8. It should be noted that they keep saying Arcane was for the fans, yet they violated everything the fans loved about these characters and completely violated the work, lore and stories of many creatives and fan artwork which is now obsolete, and of course, they stole the narrative. Fans are now in uproar about the transformation of Viktor into a twink Bloodborg. Moreover, Linke has been arguing with fans to defend the fact that he mutilated their beloved characters. Linke as repeatedly said Arcane was a thank you to the fans, but now that he is criticised he responded as he, “reminds” fans that they "always will" listen to feedback, as long as it doesn’t overpower their vision: "At the end of the day, nobody asked for Arcane."

9. “At the end of the day,” this statement is self-contradictory, condescending, and arrogant. If they made it for the fans, they would have listened to the fans and not made excuses for not listening to the fans and for violating their beloved characters. None of this is for the fans, its for money and for Link’s fetish to be a “boss” as we have noted from many interviews. Riot seldom makes original material; they never have been a company of originality, swipe and mask has always been an integrated part of their eastern business model.

10. They adapt whatever they can steal, and this is why everything they own is disjointed and they have continuous retcons to bring their theft align to characters and lore. Its endless, and in good time, I’ll be evidencing many examples of this in court.

11. We see "Formosa" on Santa Monica Boulevard. The Formosa Studios, now known as The Lot at Formosa, is a historic film studio complex located at the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and North Formosa Avenue in West Hollywood, California. Established in 1918, it has played a significant role in Hollywood's film industry for over a century. We then see a Dolby Atmos sign on a door and we are told it’s the final day of sound mix with 15 weeks until the premiere.

12. The first season of Arcane premiered on November 6, 2021. Calculating 15 weeks prior to this premiere date, we find that the final day of sound mixing occurred around July 24, 2021, if we can trust this. This timeline indicates that the post-production process, including the final sound mix, was taking place on the lead up to the final product along with all of the last adjustments as it was all taking place in the same period from Mid-2020 during Covid restrictions and up to its release. This is confirmed many times over by Actors, Melinda Dilger, the Org chart, Bridging the Rift and additional evidence.

13. We are introduced to Penny Harold, Andy Lange, Brad and Elliot of at Formosa Studios. They talk about getting the sound correct, then Brad and Elliot go to Riot Games and have a massive room to themselves and thank Covid for this. Elliot shows us his awards for sound on Blade Runner and the game Resident Evil.

14. One of the Founders of Riot, Brandon, speaks about working from scratch on the sound design. They talk about the recording of sounds and how they find the right sounds for every moment.

15. We see Linke at his parents house in North Germany. He shows us a picture of him as a baby sleeping. He says, “Here is one of me, thinking of the Arcane story.” This jesting is telling, as every time evidence is shown that Arcane is stolen, their claims get more and more backdated into the past to present false timelines. I have evidence of their claims that Arcane began in 2012.

16. Linke then talks about himself… again. He states that he works well under stress, except when he has so many things that he loses oversight. Then listed many things he had to control. May I take this moment to remind you that they had nothing sorted, and didn’t know how to even begin the very basics until mid-2020 when Melinda Dilger arrived to babysit and back scheduled to March 2020.

17. Linke states that sometimes it’s too much and that’s why the burnout rate for Showrunners is 100%., whilst smirking. This obviously is more nonsense and Linke wasn’t a showrunner. May I take this opportunity to remind you that in episode 1 of Bridging the Rift, Christian says that they took this time (End of 2019) to develop the story but at this point he was made to replace himself as the person in charge of figuring out the story. Then they hired Melinda Dilger to run the show. Melinda had to have a word with Mark Taylor about the mess, then she had to do everything, she didn’t only run the lot, she even planned and scheduled it all, including casting, voice action, writing, music, the pipeline and even teaching the two delinquents the very basics of character development.

18. We then see Linke’s attachment, “Cultural fit” friend, Alex who quite frankly doesn’t seem to understand what he’s saying, and I’ve never heard him say anything of worth. Alex stands up in front of a room and talks nonsense waving his fingers about and repeating “Like, Like, Like,” whilst the people from Fortiche look at the floor and try to pretend that Yee has anything of worth to say. Even Linke is looking away and he looks like he’s laughing under his mask.

19. Talking about season 2, Amanda Overton states, “There’s one thing about the ending that is new.” She continues, “We’re like oh, that’s sort of the same beat we had in 206. Ok, that was the thing we were hinging this whole episode around and now it’s not there anymore, so let’s just redo the whole thing.” Really!

20. An article By Kaan Serin published 30 November 2024, quotes Amanda as saying, "We wrote the end scenes, versions of them, six years ago," Overton says. "And that Vi-Jinx scene, the very last scene between them, is nearly the same as when we wrote it six years ago.” Really, bit self-contradictory don’t you think Amanda? Also, six years ago, from the end of 2021, places this at the end of 2016, two years before your fake resume shows you started at Riot, which is forged anyway. This is even before Fortiche had a Riot money train rammed up its backside and grew from 5 people to like 300. This is also before any of the pitches were accepted, shown on Linkes own evidence. This is four years before Arcane got the greenlight and before Melinda Dilger’s org chart which had writing time built into it. Ekko was officially released on May 28, 2015. So he was little more than a year old, and you already had the ending planned. Moreover, sometime after Jinx’s release in 2013, she was given the line, “you think I’m crazy? You should see my sister!” Fan theories placed Vi and Jinx as sisters despite them being from different cities and not knowing each other. But as Riot does, it swiped this from the fans and made it into the lore, starting in September 2017 with Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street. Greg, Riot Games design director, stated in an interview that the two are sisters! Thus you expect us to believe that you had the Vi & Jinx ending planned before Greg even made this new lore direction? Furthermore, on the YouTube channel, It's FanBox, Katy Townsend who voiced Maddie Nolan states that when she was given the role, and whilst she was in the post, they were still working out how she might die and still writing story.

21. Moreover, all the way through Bridging the Rift, we’ve seen evidence of story and script development taking place and even time allocated for writing development on the schedules, and we’ve heard many talk about still “braking the story,” and the show still didn’t have the greenlight nor stories until mid-2020. Yet in a 2021 letter sent to me, by Riot’s solicitor Aaron J. Moss of Greenberg Glusker, they claimed, “It would be physically impossible for Riot to have acquired source material during 2020, created scripts based on that material, and then have that material animated and ready for exhibition by 2021. That’s simply not how it works. Even you concede that the earliest Riot could have accessed your material was at the end of 2019, which is already after the date that all of the scripts for “Arcane” had been completed and locked for production.” Oh really, please see just about all of Bridging the Rift to show that this was more lies and misdirection to evade lawful processes, which is perverting the course of justice (a criminal offense) and will be contempt of court during hearings unless Riot Games admits that this was lies, which will leave Aaron J. Moss of Greenberg Glusker professionally embarrassed and will show that Riot have engaged in deception, thus nothing they say can be trusted.

22. Yee states that he believes this part of writing is the hardest to get right, then we cut to Yee and Overton on a boat ride in Paris. They try to be funny and clever but it sound silly and not very clever as they talk about murdering and drowning babies.

23. We are then given a message saying, “one week until final delivery,” of season one I believe, if you believe anything Riot says. We are then shown Sabastian, a CGI supervisor, talking about bugs and blurry spots and working out the kinks with a week until the show areas, yet we are supposed to believe they had all the script ready and lock like four years ago without change, before they got the greenlight and whilst they still didn’t know what they would do with Maddie’s storyline.

24. We then see Fortiche people in a room watching the final rocket scene of season 1 and we are told that it’s the final director review.

25. Linke says, Fortiche and the directors, “I really really, really trust them”’ Then he pretends to understand what he is talking about.

26. They lock in the picture, but then say it’s not totally locked, it’s never, never totally locked until it’s on Netflix. Yet we are to believe that Riot locked in the scripts in 2019, which I’ve shown over and over to be direct lies to mask IP theft.

27. Linke again talks about himself.

28. We then see the thieving couple at the premiere. They are asked what have they ever spent 6 years working on before. The premiere was in November 2021, suggesting that they had been working on Arcane since November 2015. This is silly. Its like me saying I was writing Bloodborg from summer 2014 since I first had the dream which inspired it, until 2019 when it was finished, because I made notes in 2014. What nonsense. We know that the LOL 10 year announcement clip was only worked on in the summer of 2019 and nothing of the actual Arcane was greenlighted until Mid-2020, and it went nowhere until the babysitter taught them the basics and the story was still being converted into scripts all the way through production, until very near the launch date. We’ve just seen Yee in a boat talking of it.

29. When asked of other 6 year commitments, Yee states marriage. I didn’t know Linke and Yee were in a civil partnership together, but it figures. I wonder what Yee’s involvement was as he doesn’t seem to understand where he is half of the time, yet alone what he’s talking about. Is it a case of Linke stole the story and got it greenlighted and saw a way of getting his fella paid along the way? So why was he so angry and passive aggressive about Victor being gay?

30. Linke is talking into a microphone. He says we’ve been working on this for a long time, then he shakes his head, a telling sign of deception. At the very same moment, his fella Yee diverts his eyes to the ground.

31. Linke then again, states that it’s for the audience to be proud of. So why did he violate the characters and lore and backstories which their fanbase love and have played for so long, then say they have to listen to him because he is a “Boss” man.

32. We then see a fake tanned obese man place his arms around the two founders. I don’t know who it is, he looks a bit like a sack of potatoes. It might be the former CEO of Riot Games. At this point I believe Nicolo Laurent was already facing horrific allegations of sexual harassment and filthy conduct, so I don’t know if this is him, or if he was already on the run. I’ll have to check if he was still wanted in LA when he fled to France. I don’t know the full extent of the depravity that went on behind closed doors at Riot Games. I believe the class action of gender discrimination affecting thousands of women was open by this point. I don’t know if they had yet been babysat by the state of California under interventions to make them act like real human beings and a proper lawful company and not horrible abusers, had yet began.

33. We then see and hear the deep voice of JB Blanc who voiced Vander in Arcane. He states that he has been working with Riot for a long time because he plays, voices I think, Braum in LOL. JB Blanc talks about the enthusiasm of the fans.

34. We then see the back of Reed Shannon’s head. he says, “My Agent sent me out for it, and I was like, oh, this is cool. Black kid, he’s a scientist, he’s super sick. You know. Then when I got it, I was like oh, this is a lot bigger than I thought.”

35. Hailee Steinfeld then hugs Ella Purnell as they met for the first times since they were 11 years old on a shoot.

36. Linke speaks about himself again. He says he has poured like 6 years into this (Lies). He then jokes that the league audience is going to be unmerciful, perhaps because the characters, lore and backstories are unrecognisable after he butchered them into my narratives. He then fantasizes about being sent baskets of food from fans.

37. Brandon states that when Linke sent him the first cut of the last 5 minutes of episode 3, he bawled, he then pretends to weep, right on cue. The other founder, Marc, yet again states that they made it for love and to not let players down. Yet there isn’t one character from LOL that appeared in Arcane who hasn’t been changed to fit the narratives. Moreover, some of them are totally unrecognisable in both Arcane and now the game because of the maiming of the characters, the lore and my manuscript, forced together and liberties taken. The fans are in outraged about them changing Viktor from a machine into a glowing blue twink Bloodborg. Then when questioned why Viktor has had a radical change and now seems to have an Identity crisis, Linke tossed out an off the cuff remark that he is asexual, further infuriating the asexual community who Linke had made a mockery of. Warwick also turned from a werewolf into a golden vampire like Bloodborg and Viktor’s Bloodborg minions flow on air.

38. I believe that when they received my manuscript, Riot were under pressure to stop being abusers. Thus Linke seen my writing as a way to feed themes of diversity into Arcane to fake a front of change and inclusivity. Then as soon as the pressure was off them, they reversed many of the themes of diversity, only keeping in a lesbian sex scene because it’s a common fantasy of young horny males. They doubled down quite aggressively on the Jayce and Viktor romance and on Silco’s situation. This is why it all feels like season 1 totally flipped in season 2 and didn’t successfully keep the storylines and narratives and even lost the feel of season 1. They had to progress away from my storylines, so they repeated everything over and over, thus Jinx had 5 dads in the end and most of them fell off of something.

39. We see powder suffering from Pinkeye, before she took shimmer. By the way, the eye colour situation was also taken directly from Bloodborg.

40. Jane than states she is happy for Linke. Why, all he did was steal to the sum of billions and got babysat whilst fondling Yee, and whilst he spent a hundred million of eastern money which comes at a hefty national security cost. If anything, he should be on a wanted list.

41. Jane mentions the thousands of Rioters who built the IP which they “Translated” into this. All of their work is now overwritten by Linke’s theft and its now embedded into all of the products at Riot Games, and I’ll own it all. You shouldn’t be happy that a thief got away with his crimes against thousands of your former colleagues, this is sick.

42. Jane then says the feeling that she wants people to have is that they handled the IP with care and love. Are you joking? Is this a joke? Have you spoken to the fans? Have you seen the transformation of Viktor, or Warwick? They are decimated, 100% unrecognisable, destroyed beyond repair, and the worst of it is, they are now fused into my narrative, which is now inseparable from Arcane and all of Riot’s products so I will be either taking billions or stripping it all out and shutting Riot down until everything is recovered and off the shelves.

43. Linke and the music guy who we saw him in a hotel room with, get close. They come close to kissing and Yee walks around in a circle on his own looking uncomfortable with the exchange between Linke and the guy who blows the French horn. Yee looks well jealous of the sexual tension. We then see some people pretending to cry including Brandon, one of the founders. I’m an emotional person, but I feel very weirded out by fake crying.

44. Brandon says he knows how hard this climb has been. Is he for real? They were tossed billions of dollars almost as soon as they launched, for control of data and they’ve stolen over and over, swipe and gripe and mask and cheat and sexual harassment and more IP theft and gender discrimination of thousands of women, then you give a talentless guy and his fella 100 million to convert my manuscript into an animation show with an animation company you just bought into for millions and you lean on the youngest, thus most vulnerable actors to lie about timelines for you and you pay real professionals ( Melinda Dilger) to do everything for you and you claim tax breaks in three different countries to maximise the fraud, and you claim you had to climb. What are you talking about? are we supposed to clap this, or feel like you have done any good in the world? You have created a toxic and dangerous cultural climate around the incels who play your game and hate women, as well as a horrible and disadvantaged working environment for women and you have created a risk to national security of many nations around the globe.

45. Arcane has a fake showrunner and his side piece bro, who have no developing qualities nor skills, did not create any of the IP and are only in the positions they are because of Bro-mancing, and they stole the manuscript of a vulnerable and disabled writer, then paid a woman to actually run the show but did not get the credit for doing so, whilst you face a class action for discrimination and sexual harassment against thousands of women, an you claim tax brakes in three countries and pay people, solicitors and child actors to lie about the timelines to hide your crimes. And you want to fake cry about some fake climb? Listen mate, you were chosen because you have no morals, and you were easy to coax into being a mule for espionage and you don’t even know it. Next time you fake cry, do it from a prison cell.

46. Some guy with glowing teeth says to Linke, “I said to them, if it goes down, I’ll go down with the ship,” as he smiles and lights up the universe.

47. What is he talking about? Getting sent down, like to prison for theft of billions or just like if Linke’s recklessness fails?

48. Either way, it makes Linke very uncomfortable and unhappy. He’s about to snap, he has a Nazi one mistake policy and blue hot teeth just crossed it. Linke is gritting his teeth, his chin folds, his face muscles pull, and the wormy vain in his skinny wormy neck is bulging as he stares at the ground rocking like a lunatic. What is it, is he angry that Teeth just admitted that they could go down for this? Or is it that Teeth is talking about himself and not about Linke and he wants the attention? Or is it because magic Teeth had no trust in Linkes ability? Come to think of it, the new twink Bloodborg Smurf Victor and his Colgate toothpaste like blue glow, reminds me of this guy’s teeth, and the new Viktor has the same body composition as Linke. Did Linke make Viktor in his own image matched with the glow of this guys teeth and my narrative of Bloodborg? That makes more sense than calling him the same guy as the Viktor from the games. Its like calling Buffy the vampire slayer (a teenage white girl with long blonde hair), and Blade (A middle aged black man with a buzzcut jet black afro), the same character because they both slay vampires. Arcane Viktor and LOL Viktor share the same name, a third wank arm and little else.

49. The directors of Fortiche say a few things, then Linke says he was at a dinner recently (This has to be into 2022 now) with the directors of Fortiche and they said were happy and it’s a relief because after 6 years now, they have worked on something which is animation history.

50. Let’s say for estimation that this was in the first quarter of 2022. That would place this 6 year period back to the first quarter of 2015. The relationship started with a music video, Get Jinxed in 2013. Before this Fortiche were making music videos, such as those for Gorillaz. Indeed Linke was a music composer for Riot, working with Fortiche to make music videos until after the success of Arcane season 1 when Riot made him a new role as the director of animation. Thus, the 6 year relationship was mostly music related material and not a TV show. In fact, the idea wasn’t even entertained until mid-2019 when Fortiche began working on making a pilot for the 10 year anniversary video to place out as a feeler to see the fans reaction. Still it wasn’t taken up or greenlighted because they still didn’t have the story until mid-2020 during Covid shortly after receiving my manuscript. We know from many different sources that all of Arcane was built at the same time during Covid and into 2021 right up until a week before it aired. This isn’t maybe, its fact. Go and look through everything I’ve written about it, and you will see that I’ve dissected the lies to show that Linke and his boy have conspired to hide theft and to create the image of false timelines such as Arcane taking 6 years to make when we know it was all made in Mid-2020 and after.

51. Brandon comments that Alex stated that he can see himself exploring stories in this universe for the next 30 years. I hope not, how many creatives will they have to violate to even make one more show? Thieves that get away with it, keep stealing and keep abusing, and Riot needs to be stopped before more people are harmed.

52. Yee talks absolute rubbish… again.

53. Amanda has done something to her hair. She states that her and Alex (Fake writers) are never satisfied and always looking to better themselves and they will be tons of new stuff in season two. What like everything repeated over and over and Jinx has 5 daddies because they keep dying and coming back a little different than before, and they keep falling over and over which is taken directly from my trauma writing and medical records. Viktor had a story, but you shat on it and made him into a Bloodborg, directly from my manuscript. Yeah, wicked Overton, can’t wait to see the next guy who dies 5 times and the next twink Bloodborg 6 foot Smurf with a metal plated vagina face mask.

54. Linke again says some pseudo moralistic crap no one believes. It then ends with Linke slow-mo walking like a platypus across a bridge looking at his feet for dramatic effect. The end and thank God it is.

I’ve proven that Riot’s solicitor Aaron J. Moss of Greenberg Glusker has lied about timelines. Mia Sinclair Jenness (Powder) has lied about timelines. Reed Shannon (Ekko) has lied about timelines. Melinda Dilger has back scheduled timelines presenting a false appearance. Overton has lied about timelines. Linke and Yee have lied about timelines endlessly. Moreover, the words of Yee, Amanda Overton, Fortiche Directors and others show that the story conversion of my manuscript was still being worked out alongside production into 2021. Ella Purnell, Melinda Dilger, Katy Townsend and other sources confirm that the show and the casting and the voices were all done during lockdown in 2020 & 2021along side writing.

Arcane is Bloodborg reworked and violated to the bone! And I will get justice, I guarantee!

M.W. Wolf


100 things stolen from Bloodborg to make Arcane.


Second Part - Deceit of Bridging the Rift