Chronicles of The Megaverse
Blog Page
Aim 1, Chronicles of the Megaverse is the blog page of M.W. Wolf Ltd’s Megaverse of Fiction. Here we comment on, promote, discuss, and review books and updates of the M.W. Wolf catalogue of fiction. We’re aiming to grow into a storytelling brand spanning many different mediums and genres. We’ll be rewarding our Wolf Pack of readers and followers as we grow.
Aim 2, We’ll also cover topics of literature, writing, books, genres, Ai’s influence on the book and publishing industry, and the future of the literary industry.
Aim 3, The M.W. Wolf Megaverse is underpinned by the IO-CU; thus we’ll occasionally dip our toes into the world of science, consciousness and the universe.
Chucklesome- Can’t Recruit, won’t Recruit! MOD’s mistakes!
Chucklesome- Can’t Recruit, won’t Recruit! MOD’s mistakes!
Hung Out Dry- Row on Row- Retirement of soil and worms!
• Former Secretary of State for Defence can't recruit child soldiers to fight fake wars anymore!
• Former Secretary of State for Defence targets working class girls as working-class boys grow wise to the MOD’s mistreatment of veterans.
• Former child soldiers committing suicide every day. Epidemic of sexual assaults of female recruits in the armed forces.
• Children don’t want to die for fake wars anymore!
• Veterans hung out dry; in prisons, on the streets, in family courts, in pension tribunals and left hanging from trees or wardrobes.
Never Ask a Computer to Save The World!
Never ask a computer to save the world!
Free Flash Fiction by M.W. Wolf
My challenge to @joerogan
My challenge to @joerogan and @EricRWeinstein
Joe my man, you have the biggest and best platform in the world- JRE. I have the most comprehensive, understandable and workable model of everything that has ever been produced (IO-CU). Exploring far deeper, profound depths than any Theory of Everything (Toe) in history. It’s the only theory which merges the universe with consciousness, explains the birthing of both U & C as well as the birthing of the Megaverse, then takes the readers through every step down into the eukaryotic cell. There is no theory that can rival this! Many may try to plagiarise, but they’ll get it wrong, because they haven’t seen the insights I have. Let’s share this with the world together mate.
Michio Kaku’s Challenge!
Michio Kaku’s Challenge!
Is Michio Kaku sincere, will he raise to his own challenge?
God’s Masterful Evasion & The Inverted Organelle Theory of Consciousness and The Universe (IO-CU) The Theory of Everything!
I’ve had the IO-CU knocking about in my mind for over a decade. Recently I watched a YouTube debate on the Institute of Art and Ideas channel. During the debate Michio Kaku challenged audiences to come up with a theory of everything that satisfies, or is compatible with three criteria –
The truth of Genesis Omnia -
The truth of Genesis Omnia - The sorry state of Physics and how to fix it.
Let’s jump right into this Motherf***er
1, Physics needs to get with the times. The field faces a tangible risk of a complete lack of faith leading to major funding cuts, because people are fed up with zero progress and both physicists and educational institutes ignoring the insights of people outside of their home grown vegetable patch.
The Regress, and Blue Dress, of Physics and Free Thought on X!
The Regress, and Blue Dress, of Physics and Free Thought on X!
Why physics and our understanding of the universe isn’t progressing as it should be.
The Golden Age of Modern Physics is long over, it’s time to move on.
Confessions of a former College-University Lecturer.
Confessions of a former College-University Lecturer.
Here are 3, free tips which “academics” will never tell you, and I don’t even have a tip jar, not like some dipsticks on X.
Do your homework Vivi.
Do your homework Vivi.
Flash fiction dedicated to Chuck Palahniuk.
Major trigger warning! If you thought that Chuck’s short story, Guts, was too much to stomach, do not read this! It isn’t for you.
Hawk tuah- synopses are dead.
Controversial, synopses are dead. They bulk the back pockets of thieves, relegate arduous work into trash-pages and are prime pickings for lazy showrunners and show “Writers”.
Micro and Macro Mirroring
Micro and Macro Mirroring- If you want to see the universe, go sit in the forest!
Everything in our universe is made up of four main categories of patterning, micro and macro mirroring on the tiniest to the largest scales.
The Inverted Organelle Theory of Consciousness and The Universe (IO-CU) categorizes these as; Mirror Patterning (MP) 1-4
War is imminent! Save our children!
War is imminent! Save our children!
WW3 will be fought by our children, because children fight wars!
Trapped; Child Exploitation and people trafficking in the British Army!
This is why war is bad, using child soldiers is pure evil!
Wash thou hands and pay thou debts.
Wash thou hands and pay thou debts. The story of a writer by M.W. Wolf Ltd.
Vampires Awaken
Vampires Awaken by M.W. Wolf
Vampires are amongst the most primeval and feared creatures of folklore and mythology. Yet time, overuse and bad writing has relegated these once horrific beings to teen romance, powdered faces and action comedy. Dracula is turning in his coffin! Fortunately Dracula hasn’t got Wi-Fi to watch Nicolas Cage portray The Count in the 2023 Renfield movie.
Me-Town Genre
Gritty urban dramas full of traumas and tragedies, stories close to home for readers, which could have feasibly happened on their streets, blocks or in their neighbourhoods, yet told in a hyperbolic fictional way, realistic yet kernels of truth are buried in narrative. Me-Town is full of ugly truths and the sufferings of the human condition. Transgressions, taboos, drugs, sex, violence, loss, grief, mental illness, corruption, the dirty shadow-self you keep supressed from the world and from yourself. Me-Town tackles complex emotive themes and topics. The Rotbox novels are in this pocket. Two of which are already written.