Morgan’s Proclamation



New Kowloon; Morgan’s Proclamation



Morgan sat in a steel crypt, with yellow painted steel support columns and metallic silver walls. Embossed onto the steel wall behind him was a large yellow N.Y.C logo. Spray painted onto the steel wall was Manhattan skyline, how it was before the fall. Next to it, a spray painting of how Manhattan’s skyline looks today. Gazing at the spray paintings Morgan placed on his headphones and adjusted the microphone.  


Quantum recorded radio transmission-


“Reveille, reveille, wake up my fellow sky dwellers. Sky-Pirate Morgan here, broadcasting live from Yonder-Sky-Pirate Radio station on this very special morning. This shall be my final broadcast. This shall be the day we stand. WE STAND.

I’m quantum recording this broadcast for the people; the people of New Kowloon and the people of the future. When we are dead and forgotten, when this is all over, it’s important for the descendants of the survivors to know everything, to learn from the failures of the Human condition. So that the survivors can rebuild under a new banner; one this world has never witnessed. A banner of human decency, fairness and respect for all things. A banner of hope and virtuous conduct. A world removed from cheaters, removed from Bloodlust and tyranny.

Let me tell you how New Kowloon came to be, let me convince you to stand with us, lend me your ears for a short time, in return, I’ll show you the way. I’ll try to save you from the coming.


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